
BLUE’s March 2020 Newsletter

March 25, 2020 by Jess Rattle


In these extraordinary and fearful times, it’s incredibly heartening to see how well the BLUE team has adapted to being atomised. Nearly three weeks into our London office being closed, we seem busier than ever, conducting all our meetings digitally, planning virtual conferences, creating online education materials and moving into the world of podcasts. Meanwhile, from St Helena, to the Maldives, to the Aeolians in fully locked down Italy, to Lyme Bay, to Berwickshire, our project officers are bravely and inventively adapting to challenging circumstances.

We hope that this newsletter, which we will produce more frequently over the next few months, will give you a sense of how BLUE’s work is continuing and flourishing as we strive to protect the ocean. I’d like to thank the BLUE team for their dedication and resourcefulness at this difficult time, and I would like to wish everyone health and safety.
– Clare Brook, CEO

#LocalFishForDinner campaign 

Britain’s inshore fishermen are facing desperate times as Covid-19 restrictions close down export markets and the restaurant trade. BLUE is one of many organisations trying to help keep the food chain working for inshore fishermen around the coast. You can help by having delicious #LocalFishforDinner. Click here for more information.

Why do we need to travel to protect the planet?

BLUE’s Executive Director, Charles Clover, discusses the impact of Covid-19 on important inter-governmental meetings and hopes that, with modern video conferencing services at our disposal, we can start to change the way these conferences are run. Please click here to read Charles’s full article.

BLUE’s Oceans Education Pack for kids

For those of you with children who are currently at home, BLUE is creating an ‘Oceans Education Pack’ with activities for various age groups, ranging from maths and ecology to geography and art. There are already some fun fact-sheets, quizzes and apps available here, with many more to come. We hope this will inform and entertain while inspiring a new generation of ocean activists.

A “muckle” big lobster gives hope for Berwickshire

In his latest blog, Joe Richards, BLUE’s Project Officer in Berwickshire, takes us on a day out with local crab and lobster fishermen and explains how finding a big “hen” lobster has given him hope for the future. Click here to read Joe’s blog.

Ocean Awards 2020 finalists announced

Need a break from all the bad news? Why not have a look at the many brilliant finalists of this year’s Ocean Awards, from local heroes and scientists to innovators and visionaries. Click here to read all about the impressive finalists.

Latest podcast: Swimming Against the Tide?

Interested in what’s happening with UK Fisheries and Brexit? BLUE’s Head of Legal Affairs Dr Tom Appleby talks Brexit and UK environmental law with ClientEarth’s Dr Tom West in the excellent Planet Pod podcast with Amanda Carpenter. Listen to the podcast here.

First reef fishing code of conduct signed in Maldives

Despite the difficulties posed by the spread of coronavirus, BLUE’s team in the Maldives, together with our partners on the ground, has successfully implemented the first reef fishing code of conduct in the country – a huge step towards sustainable tourism in the region. Click here to read more.

Good news for the Isle of Arran

In a wonderful example of nature bouncing back, research funded by BLUE has shown that protecting the waters around the Isle of Arran against destructive trawling and dredging has led to a massive revival in marine species. Click here to read the full article.

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