

Berwickshire Marine Reserve Project

The waters off the coast of Berwickshire, in the southeast of Scotland, are some of the most biodiverse and productive in the UK. 



Blue Marine is supporting the restoration of native oysters in Essex. The native oyster has declined in the UK by over 95% in the last century and the reefs they form are one of the most threatened marine habitats in Europe.  

Convex Seascape Survey

Convex Seascape Survey

Isle of Arran

Isle of Arran Marine Protected Area

The Lamlash Bay no-take zone on the Isle of Arran is one of only a handful of marine protected areas in the British Isles where all forms of fishing are banned.

Just Transition

Just Transition

Supporting a transition towards equitable and sustainable fisheries.


Jersey Marine Park

Jersey’s waters, with its seagrass, kelp forests and maerl beds, showcase some of the best shallow marine habitats in the British Isles.  

Lyme Bay

Lyme Bay Reserve

In Lyme Bay, Blue Marine has developed a win-win model that benefits both the marine environment and small-scale fishermen practicing low-impact, responsible fishing. 

National Marine Parks


National Marine Parks (NMPs) purpose is to connect people with their seascape to share in a sustainable future. NMPs offer a model that promotes access and enjoyment, supports local economies and protects life in the sea for our future.

Offshore UK Marine Protected Areas

Offshore UK Marine Protected Areas

Currently only four of the UK’s 76 marine protected areas are protected from destructive bottom-trawling and dredging.

Plymouth Sound National Marine Park

Plymouth Sound Marine Park

National parks are important to 90% of people in the UK but, despite being an island nation with an extraordinary 30,000 kilometres of coastline, we have no national parks in the sea.